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Dillon, Lorna. 2024. "Bordando por la paz y la memoria: una víctima un pañuelo (Embroidering for Peace and Memory: One Victim, One Handkerchief)" Journal of Romance Studies 24:1 73-95
Whitaker, Pamela, Lorna Dillon and Erika Silva. 2024. "Textile Pedagogies: Stitching as Reflective Practice" Journal of Applied Arts & Health 15: 2, 139-155.
Dillon, Lorna. 2023. Negotiating Space in Latin America, Journal of Latin American Studies 55: 4, 764-765.
Dillon, Lorna. 2023. (translator) “Claiming the Right to Memory, Stitch by Stitch. The experience of the Costurero Tejedoras por la Memoria de Sonsón (the Sonsón Memory Sewing Group)” The Textile Reader (London: Bloomsbury).  
Dillon, Lorna. 2023. "The Aesthetics of Global Protest; Global Activism and Art and Conflict in the 21st Century" Visual Studies 38:5, 929-930.
Dillon, Lorna. 2022. “Repairing the Fabric of Society through Needlework” Latin American and Latinx Visual Culture. 4, 4: 74-80.  
Dillon, Lorna. 2022. “Embroidery in Abya Yala” Latin American and Latinx Visual Culture. 4, 4: 119-128.  
Dillon, Lorna, Lucy Phelps and Jennifer Wood (translators). 2022. “The Catch Up” In Poor Connection / Conexión Inestable. Edited by Catherine Boyle, Jack Tarlton, Lucila Cordone, Luis A. Medina Cordova, María Laura Ramos and Nicolás Lisoni. 201-211.
Dillon, Lorna. 2018. “Repositioning the Popular: The Hybrid Aesthetics of Violeta Parra’s Paintings Machitún, Las tres Pascualas and Casamiento de negros.” Studies in Latin American Popular Culture No 36: 145-160. https://doi.org/10.7560/SLAPC3609
Dillon, Lorna 2020. Violeta Parra's Visual Art: Painted Songs. Cham: Palgrave.
Dillon, Lorna, ed. 2017. Violeta Parra: Life and Work. Woodbridge: Tamesis. Violeta Parra (boydellandbrewer.com)